About Briceson Dennis
Yá'át'ééh Shi éí Briceson Dennis yinishyé.
Táchii'nii dine’é éí nishłį.
Tótsohnii dine’é éí báshíshchíín.
Tł’ízíłání dine’é éí dashicheii.
Tódích'íi'nii dine’é éí dashinálí.
Hello, My name is Briceson Dennis.
I am from the Red Running into the Water clan.
I am born for the Big water clan.
My maternal grandpa is from the Many Goats clan.
My paternal grandpa is from the Bitter Water clan.
I was born and raised in Arizona and am from the Diné (Navajo) Nation. I am currently residing in Phoenix, AZ. When I first started sewing, it was all about making outfits for my own drag queen persona. Then, I began collaborating with local Phoenix queens. It wasn't until I was approached to make a custom Navajo dress that I decided to design custom indigenous works. I believe my work is vastly creative and open. One moment, I can be sketching original urban Navajo patterns, and then executing the design to life just by sewing the pieces.
At heart I am a independent Diné artist & designer.